Keynote Speakers

Samy Bengio

PhD in computer science, University of Montreal, 1993) and senior director of machine learning research at Apple since 2021

Dr. Judy Gichoya

Associate professor at Emory university in Interventional Radiology and Informatics leading the HITI (Healthcare AI Innovation and Translational Informatics) lab.

Caglar Gulcehre

Staff research scientist at DeepMind working on the intersection of Reinforcement Learning, Deep Learning, Representation Learning, and Natural Language Understanding.

Isabel Valera

Professor on Machine Learning at the Department of Computer Science of Saarland University in Saarbrücken (Germany), and Adjunct Faculty at MPI for Software Systems in Saarbrücken (Germany).

Tutorial Speakers

Luis Oala

Marwa Mahmoud

Marcel Atemkeng
Ph.D. in Big Data and Statistical Signal Processing from Rhodes University, South Africa, in 2016.

Avishkar Bhoopchand


Associate Professor at the School of Information Science of Addis Ababa University with more than 20 years of teaching and research experience at higher institutions.

Amanie Brik

Khalil Mrini

Girmaw Abebe

Principal Research Scientist and Manager at Microsoft AI for Good Research Lab