We are proud to have these machine learning scientists to teach and share their experiences at the Indaba.

Alta de Waal
Senior Lecturer, University of Pretoria
Unsupervised Learning

Anima Anandkumar
Principal Scientist, Amazon Web Services
KEYNOTE : Large-scale Machine Learning: Deep, Distributed and Multi-Dimensional

Benjamin Rosman
Researcher, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
Reinforcement Learning

Bubacarr Bah
Research Chair, African Institute for Mathematical Sciences
Panel on African Machine Learning

Danielle Belgrave
Researcher, Microsoft Research Cambridge; Research Fellow Imperial College London
Machine Learning in Healthcare

Fulufhelo Nelwamondo
Executive Director, CSIR Modelling and Digital Science Unit

George Konidaris
Assistant Professor, Brown University
Advanced Reinforcement learning

Konstantina Palla
Researcher in the Healthcare ML Division at Microsoft Research Cambridge
Probabilistic reasoning

Marc Deisenroth
Imperial College
Mathematics for Machine Learning

Nando De Freitas
Principal Scientist and Team Lead, DeepMind; and Deep Learning Indaba advisory board member
Convolutional Neural Networks

Nyalleng Moorosi
Researcher at Google AI, Ghana
Fundamentals of Machine learning

Richard Klein
Associate Lecturer, University of the Witwatersrand
Recurrent Neural Networks

Stephan Gouws
Research Scientist, Google, Brain Team, London
Recurrent Neural Networks

Ulrich Paquet
Research Scientist, DeepMind, London
Deep Generative Models

Vukosi Marivate
Chair of Data Science, University of Pretoria; CSIR; and Deep Learning Indaba
Reinforcement Learning

Willie Brink
Senior Lecturer, Stellenbosch University
Fundamentals of Machine Learning

Yann Dauphin
Research Scientist, Facebook AI Research
Fundamentals of Deep Learning

Imraan Patel
Deputy Director General, South African Department of Science and Technology

Adam Habib
Vice Chancellor and Principal University of the Witwatersrand

Michelle Gervais
Head of Data Science Standard Bank Group