The Indaba community inspired me and reopened my eyes, seeing people to look up to from all over Africa succeeding in industry and academia made me realise that all hardships can be harnessed, that I can myself be part of the African and Global AI advancement.


Travelling to Accra, meeting like-minded people, engaging in informative sessions, getting to present a poster for the first time and winning a prize for it was all surreal. The mentorship breakfast was a great opportunity to ask direct questions and get insightful answers. The keynotes were all very eye-opening. I am honoured to have been part of this year’s Indaba and will carry the lessons learnt throughout my career. I want to make a difference in my community just like the mentors and most participants at Indaba. The lessons on start-ups lit the entrepreneurial fire in me. I now know that I have what it takes, that I can start exactly where I am and work my way up, that I can leverage available opportunities to get ahead. Thank you Indaba, I am already looking forward to the next one!

Cynthia Jayne Amol

Your passion and dedication to advancing AI and deep learning are truly commendable. Let’s continue to foster inclusivity, share knowledge, and create a brighter future through our collective efforts. I encourage you to take full advantage of this incredible platform. Engage in thought-provoking discussions and sessions that pique your curiosity, and most importantly, follow up on those connections with fellow enthusiasts in a community that thrives on diversity, inclusivity, and a shared passion for the future of AI. Together, we can achieve remarkable things. 

Jubilee M. Sibanda

Let’s continue to embrace our current way of being – full of love and a commitment to learning. There was a pervasive atmosphere of love and a thirst for knowledge that I truly cherished at the conference. I never felt criticised when I struggled to grasp something. It always seemed like even the educators were eager for me to comprehend and grow, aspiring for me to match their expertise.


The Indaba community is an amazing community for all Africans in the machine learning space whether you are a beginner or an expert. The community provides you with an ecosystem to thrive. This Indaba was my first but it felt like family from Day 1. 

Eric Anku

In a world often marked by divisions and inequalities, the Indaba community stands out as a beacon of collaboration, diversity, and unity. Your dedication to fostering talent across the African continent and beyond has a profound impact on individuals and communities, shaping the future of technology and its role in addressing pressing global challenges.Every session, workshop, and conversation within the Indaba community is an opportunity to learn, grow, and connect with like-minded individuals who share a vision of a better, more equitable future. Your willingness to share knowledge, mentorship, and support creates a ripple effect that extends far beyond the confines of any conference or event.

Abdul-Rahaman Mohammed

The Deep Learning Indaba is more than a conference, it is a galvanising movement that has oriented me. It has provided a ground for learning, exchanging ideas, seeking advice, and discussing research. It has given me a chance to interact with researchers, collaborators, and mentors. The Indaba has helped me find myself, my community, and my home. My key takeaway from this is that we must all strive for the development of AI guided by the Ubuntu philosophy. 

Yɛbɛtumi – “We Can” drive real change!
