Call for IndabaX Organizers

on Sep 10, 2021 09:13 AM

We hope you’ll nominate yourself to join the IndabaX steering committee, which is the leadership team that oversees the IndabaX programme. We are seeking 4-5 new members to join the IndabaX leadership. Nominations due by 31 October 2021. To nominate simply send an email answering a few questions (see below). IndabaX and our Community’s Health […]


Shakir Mohamed


The coronavirus pandemic has spread across the world, and its effects are being felt across our continent, with 16 people already having died from Covid-19 in Egypt, Algeria, Morocco, and Sudan. The Indaba leadership has been tracking the development of the coronavirus and given the seriousness and uncertainty regarding the spread of the virus, have […]


Shakir Mohamed

This year we say Sauti Yetu/Our Voice. Our voice can be strong; our voice can create change; we have many different voices that must be heard. We hope that you will use the Indaba as part of your voice.


Shakir Mohamed

We also release our report summarising the outcomes of this programme and share its key recommendations.


Shakir Mohamed

The 2019 IndabaX meetings will take place in 27 countries across our African continent, during the months of March to May. We are proud to enable these communities and future leaders. African machine learning is strong and thriving. An IndabaX is a locally-organised, one-day Indaba (meeting) that helps spread knowledge and build capacity in machine […]


Shakir Mohamed

On the 10th of September this year (2017), we took our first uncertain step through a doorway. For all the months prior, starting in February, we operated in the realm of imagination, of planning, of spreadsheets and budgets, driven by a mission to ‘Strengthen African Machine Learning’. Crossing the threshold that Sunday afternoon, we entered an […]


Shakir Mohamed

Across the African continent, our communities gather to create spaces where we share our experiences, seek advice, and discuss the pressing issues of the day. In Zulu, this type of gathering is called an Indaba. This September, the first Deep Learning Indaba will take place: a shared space to learn, to share, and to debate the state-of-the-art in […]


Shakir Mohamed