We are thrilled to announce that the Research in Africa showcase will continue at the Deep Learning Indaba 2025, which will be held in the vibrant and beautiful country of Rwanda. A key highlight of the Indaba is the Research in Africa Days, a platform dedicated to showcasing and amplifying the voices, ideas, and ground-breaking […]


The IndabaX Central Steering Committee is thrilled to announce the launch of the IndabaX Webinar Series 2024. This series is part of a transformative initiative designed to educate, inspire, and empower an African audience with the knowledge and tools needed to leverage Artificial Intelligence (AI) effectively. With a robust line-up of topics and expert speakers, […]



on Apr 11, 2023 06:40 PM

By Amelia Taylor Machine Learning (ML) is the talk of the tech-town. It is a tool everyone can use and it holds many promises: from being able to reveal hidden information in large data to being able to predict the ā€œfutureā€ based on past data and sophisticated heuristics.  ML is seen as the swiss army […]


The IndabaX-nometer is rising higher! This post is about celebrating the IndabaX events which are taking place in African countries in 2023! Entering its 5th year, the annual local Deep Learning Indaba events called IndabaX, are growing stronger. This year, in 2023, a record number of 36 countries in Africa will organise IndabaX events!    […]


Call for IndabaX Organizers

on Sep 10, 2021 09:13 AM

We hope youā€™ll nominate yourself to join the IndabaX steering committee, which is the leadership team that oversees the IndabaX programme. We are seeking 4-5 new members to join the IndabaX leadership. Nominations due by 31 October 2021. To nominate simply send an email answering a few questions (see below). IndabaX and our Community’s Health […]


Shakir Mohamed

In executing our mission to Strengthen African Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, this year, instead of hosting our usual activities (the annual Indaba, IndabaX, or the Maathai and Kambule awards), we are experimenting with several new programs, one of these being the IndabaX-AI4D Innovation Grants, which aim to fund 6-month projects that support AI research […]


Kathleen Siminyu